Welcome To Whit & Craft

Hello! I'm Whitney

I’m a passionate crafter looking to share my experience with others. I learned to knit and crochet when I was 9 years old and never looked back. I’m excited to use this platform to teach what I know. While I enjoy working in knitting, crocheting, quilting, sewing, beading, and more, the first three are my main passions and what I will focus teaching through this platform.

When it comes to my style, I keep things fairly modern. I believe that these crafts aren’t just something for your grandma. I want to help younger generations learn to create things that they will be proud of as well as use on a regular basis. I can’t wait to see what you will make.

I’m always happy to discuss partnerships, advertising, and sponsorship opportunities. If you or your business have an idea, please reach out to me.
